Wednesday, March 19

Tag: world war ii

Why Otto Skorzeny Is The Most Deadliest Man In Europe
History, Politics

Why Otto Skorzeny Is The Most Deadliest Man In Europe

Otto Skorzeny was born into a middle-class family in Vienna, Austria, on June 12, 1908. Otto Skorzeny's family has a long history of military service. As a student, he distinguished himself in scientific topics, and after graduating he enlisted at the University of Vienna as an engineering student. His great passion was fencing. He joined the University fencing team and during a match, he received the prominent scar on his cheek, known in German as a "Schmiss" which was then a coveted mark of bravery among German and Austrian youth. In 1931, as Nazism was gaining popularity in Europe, Skorzeny joined the Austrian Nazi Party, filling the ranks of the local version of the paramilitary SA Brownshirts. Clever, ambitious and physically imposing at 6 ft 4 [1.93 Metres] he must have been a val...
30 Amazing World War I Facts & Summary You Never Believe
History, Politics

30 Amazing World War I Facts & Summary You Never Believe

World War I is also known as The Great War, was a global war originating in Europe. In the early 20th century a growing spirit of nationalism created tension among European countries nations sought to protect themselves through complex alliances. These included the Triple Alliance of Germany, Italy, and Austria which opposed the Triple Entente of France, England, and Russia. The Triple Alliance countries are also referred to as the central powers. These two sets of allies would confront each other in the First World War. In June 1914 the Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria was assassinated by a Serbian nationalist, immediately the alliance system pulled the major European powers into war. Austria declared war against Serbia believing that the Nationalists could be easily crushed. German...