Thursday, March 6

The Brutal Conquest Ever – Genghis Khan

Genghis Khan is also referred to as Temüjin Borjigin. he was born in north-central Mongolia around 1162. He also the official founding father of Genghis Emperor and Emperor of the Mongol Empire. Genghis Khan was born grasping a grume in his fist, a typical sign that he was destined to become a superb leader. He got his name Temüjin after a Tatar chieftain that his father, Yesukhei, had captured. Ater Tatar kill Yesukhei by giving him poison in his food. Temüjin Borjigin had three brothers Hasar, Hachiun, and Temuge, One sister Temulen, and two half brothers Behter and Belgutei. Like many of the nomads of Mongolia.

Early Life Of Genghis Khan

The Genghis Khan was born somewhere within the steppes of central Asia round the Year 1165. it’s said that he was born with a clot of blood in his hand which was seen as a portent of great things to return. Temüjin’s youth was difficult. Genghis Khan is reported to possess grown up as a brave and a fine young man it’s only fear to bring dogs. Temüjin’s father arranged a marriage for him and delivered him at the age of 9 to the family of his future wife Börte of the tribe Khongirad. While caption home, his father runs into the neighbor Tatars, who had longer Mongol enemies, which they offered him food that poison him. Upon learning this,

Temüjin returned home to mention his father’s position as chief. But the tribe refused him because at that time he was only 9 years old that time. Temüjin was a member of the Borjigin tribe and a progeny of Khabul Khan, who briefly united Mongols against the jin (chin) Dynasty of northern China within the early 1100s. For the subsequent several years, the family lived in poverty, surviving totally on wild fruits, or carcasses, marmots.

Young Temüjin Borjigin

At the age of 16. Temüjin married Borte, cohesive the alliance between the Konkirat tribe and his own. Soon after, Borte was abducted by the rival Merkit tribe and given to a chieftain as a wife. Temüjin rescued her wife with the help of his friend and future rival, Jamukha, and his protector, Toghrul of the Keraite tribe. Soon after, Borte gave birth to her first son, Jochi. Though Borte’s immurement with the Konkirat tribe cast doubt on Jochi’s birth. But Temüjin accepted him and grow him as his son.

genghis khan wife

Borte had three more sons, Chagatai Khan (1187-1241), Ögedei Khan (1189-1241), and Tolui Khan (1190-1232) Genghis Khan later took about more the 500 secondary wives and “consorts”, but Borte continued to be his life partner. He had many other children with those other wives, but they were excluded from the succession, only Borte’s sons were considered to be his heritor.


In the early 13th century, the Central Asian plateau North of China was split into several tribes of confederation, including  Tatar’s, Khamag Mongol’s, Naiman’s, Merkit’s, and Keraite’s, that were all well known and sometimes unfriendly toward one a nother

, as evidenced by random raids, revenge attacks, and plundering.

As Jamukha and Temüjin drifted apart in their friendship, each began consolidating power, and that they become rivals. Jamukha supported that traditional Mongolian aristocracy, while Temüjin followed a meritocratic method, and attracted a broader range and sophistication of followers.

In 1186, Temüjin was elected Great Khan of the Mongols. Threatened by this rise, Jamukha was very jealous and he attacked Temüjin in 1187 with a military of 30,000 troops Temüjin gathered his followers to defend against the attack but was decisively beaten within the battle of Dalan Balzhut.

Genghis Khan Military Tactics

Through a mixture of Outstanding military tactics and heartless brutality, Temüjin avenged his father’s murder decimating the Tatar army and ordered the killing of each Tatar male who quite approximately 3 feet (91 cm) tall. He was chosen as the leader of the whole Mongol tribe and the title Genghis Khan (universal king and ruler of all men) was given.

genghis khan

By 1206, Temüjin had also defeated the powerful Naiman tribe, thus giving him control of central and eastern Mongolia. Genghis Khan was a tengrism. But was religiously tolerant and curious about learning philosophical and moral lessons from other religions. He consulted Buddist monks, Muslims, Christian missionaries.

The Great War General

He employed an in-depth spy network and was quick to adopt new technologies from his enemies. The well trained Mongol army of 80,000 fighters coordinated their advance with a classy signaling system of smoke and burning torches. Big drums sounded commands to charge, and further orders were conveyed with flag signals. Every soldier was fully equipped with bow arrows, a dagger, a shield, and a lasso. He also carried largely saddlebags for food, tools, and spare clothes.

Cavalrymen carried a little sword, javelins, body armor, a battle-ax or mace, and a lance with a hook to tug enemies off of their horses. The Mongols were devastating in their attacks. The entire army was followed by a well-organized supply system of oxcarts carrying food for soldiers and beasts alike, also as military equipment.

Supreme Leader

The salient shaman declared Genghis Khan the representative of Mongke Koko Tengri (the “Eternal Blue Sky”), the supreme god of the Mongols. With this declaration of divine status, it had been accepted that his destiny was to rule the planet. Religious tolerance was practiced within the Mongol Empire, but to defy the good khan was adequate to defying the desire of God. It was with such religious fervor that Genghis Khan is meant to possess said to at least one of his enemies


Genghis Khan doesn’t waste any time capitalizing on his divine stature. While spiritual inspiration motivates his armies, the Mongols were probably driven the maximum amount by environmental circumstances. Food and resources were becoming in short supply because the population grew much faster. The Mongol Empire created by Genghis Khan and his allies shared its western borders with the Western Xia dynasty of the Tanhuts. To the east and south was the Jin dynasty, founded by the Manchurian Jurchens, who ruled northern China also as being the traditional overlords of the Mongolian tribes for hundreds of years.

Northern China

In 1207, he led his armies against the supremacy of Xi Xia and, after two years, forced it to surrender. In 1211, Genghis Khan’s army attacks the Jin Dynasty in northern China lured not by the great citie’s artistical and scientific wonders, but rather the seemingly endless rice fields and easy pickings of wealth.

genghis khan conquer

At this engagement fought at Yehuling, the Mongols massacred many thousands of Jin troops. In 1215, Genghis Khan besieged, captured, and sacked the Jin capital of Zhongdu (modern-day Beijing). This forced the Jin ruler, Emperor Xuanzong to maneuver his capital south to Kaifeng, abandoning the northern half his empire to the Mongols. Between 1232 and 1233, Kaifeng fell to the Mongols under the reign of Genghis Khan’s third son, Ögedei Khan.

Khwarazmian Empire in Persia

Although the expedition against the Jin Dynasty lasted nearly 2 decades, Genghis Khan’s armies were also very active within the west against border empires and therefore the Muslim world. In the early 10th century, the Khwarazmian dynasty was governed by Shah Ala ad-Din Muhammad. Genghis Khan used his diplomacy power to determine trade relations with the Khwarizm Dynasty, a Turkish-dominated empire that included Turkestan, Persia, and Afghanistan.

Genghis Khan then sent a second group of three Mongolian ambassadors (two Mongols and a Muslim) to satisfy the Shah himself, rather than the governor Mongols Inalchuq. The Shah had all the lads shaved and therefore the Muslim beheaded and sent his head back with the 2 remaining ambassadors. Outrages, Genghis Khan planned one of his largest invasion campaigns by Organizing together more than 100,000 soldiers.

Khwarazmian Empire Plundered

The Mongolian army under Genghis Khan generalship and with his sons crossed the Tien Shan mountains by entering the world controlled by the Khwarazmian Empire. After compile intelligence from many sources, Genghis Khan carefully ready his army, which was divided into three groups. His son Jochi led the first division into the northeast of Khwarazmian. The second division under Jobe marched secretly to the southeast a part of Khwarazmian to make, with the primary division, a pincer attack on Samarkand. The third division under Genghis Khan and Tolui marched to the northwest and attacked Khwarazmia from that direction.

The Great Massacre

No animate thing was spared, including small livestock, skulls of men, women, and youngsters were piled in large, pyramidal mounds. City after city was delivered to its knees, and eventually, the Shah Muhammad and later his son was captured and killed by Genghis Khan, that bringing an end to the most important and big Khwarizm Dynasty in 1221.

As usual, the artisans were sent back to Mongolia, young women, and youngsters got to the Mongol soldiers as slaves, and therefore the remainder of the population was massacred. 50,000 Mongol soldiers got the task of executing twenty-four Urgench citizens each. Which would mean that more than 1.2 million people were killed? The sacking of Urgench is taken into account one among the bloodiest massacres in human history. In the meantime, Genghis Khan selected his third son Ögedei Khan as his successor before his army set out.


After the conquer of the Khwarazmian Empire in 1220, Genghis Khan united his forces in Persia and Armenia to return to the Mongolian plain. Advancement within military and government ranks was not based on traditional lines of heredity or ethnicity, but on meritocracy. There were tax rebates for religious and professional leaders.

Genghis Khan died on 18th August 1227, during the autumn of Yinchuan, which is that the capital of Western Xia. The exact cause of his death remains a big mystery until now. Some historians maintain that he fell off a horse, or wounds continuous in hunting or battle. According to the key History of the Mongols, Genghis Khan fell from his horse while he was hunting and died due to some internal injuries. he was already very old and tired from his battel’s.

After Genghis Khan died, his dead body was brought back to Mongolia and perhaps to his birthplace in Khentii Aimag, where many believe he is buried somewhere close to the Onon River or under the river and the Burkhan Khaldun mountain. According to mythology, the funeral guard killed anyone and anything across their way to hide where Genghis Khan was finally buried. The Genghis Khan Mausoleum constructed a few years after his death, in his memorial, but not his cemetery.


monglia genghis khan

The succession of Genghis Khan was already a significant topic as he reached old age. The long-running paternity discussion about Genghis’s older son Jochi was particularly contentious due to the seniority of Jochi among the brothers. According to traditional historical accounts, the problem over Jochi’s parenthood was voiced most strongly by Chagatai Khan. Just before the invasion of the Khwarezmid Empire by Genghis Khan, Chagatai Khan declared before his father and brothers that he would never accept Jochi as Genghis Khan’s successor.

Ögedei Khan was appointed as the successor after Genghis Khan died. Ögedei Khan was born in 1185 to 11 December 1241. He was the third son of Genghis Khan of the Mongol Empire. He sustained the detail that his father had begun and was a world figure when the Mongol Empire reached its farthest limitation west and south during the occupation of Asia and Europe.

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