TSPSC Group 2 Written Exam Dates Announced: Check the Full Schedule Here
TSPSC Group 2 Written Exam Dates: In accordance with the notice for group 2 services (general recruitment), the Telangana Public Service Commission (TSPSC) has released the dates for the written examination. Two shifts of the tests will be held on December 15 and 16.
One week before to the start of the exams, the TSPSC will provide the hall passes for the group 2 written exams. TSPSC.gov.in is the official website where you can get and see the group 2 written test hall tickets.
TSPSC Group 2 Written Exam Dates
The candidates who meet the requirements for the available vacancies in terms of community and category will be contacted for the verification of their certificates, in order of merit, after passing the written exam.
In order to be considered for selection, candidates fr...