Friday, March 14

Tag: pericles shakespeare

Pericles | Biography, Pronunciation, Democracy, Quotes & Death

Pericles | Biography, Pronunciation, Democracy, Quotes & Death

Pericles (Born on c. 495 BC, in Athens, Greece - Died on 429 BC, in Athens, Greece) was the city’s leading statesman, a skilled general, a patron of the arts, and an orator without peers. Under his leadership, Athens flourished almost unlike any other city in history. It is no surprise, then, that Pericles became known as the “First Citizen of Athens.” It was a true golden age that would go on to have a tremendous influence not only on the Greek world but on all of Western civilization. Socrates was laying down the foundations of Western philosophy, aided by students such as Plato, as well as other prominent thinkers of that time such as Anaxagoras, Empedocles, and Democritus. In the arts, the Athenian theater was the envy of the Greek world thanks to talented playwrights such as Eur...