Sunday, May 19

Tag: Napoleon

Napoleon Bonaparte – Biography, Early Life & Death

Napoleon Bonaparte – Biography, Early Life & Death

Napoleon Bonaparte is also known as Napoleon I was born on August 15, 1769, in Ajaccio, in Corsica as Napoleon Bonaparte. Coming from a Corsican family, Bonaparte rose in the army during the French Revolution. He proved to be a first-rate military talent. The campaigns in Italy and Egypt made him particularly popular.This enabled him to take power in France through the coup of 18th Brumaire VIII (November 9, 1799), initially as one of three consuls. From 1799 to 1804 as the first consul of the French Republic and then until 1814 and again in 1815 as emperor of the French, he became a dictatorial regime with plebiscitary Elements.Through various reforms - such as those of the judiciary through the civil code or those of the administration - Napoleon has shaped the state structures o...