Saturday, February 8

Tag: coronavirus

Will it is Possible the Second Wave of Coronavirus Come?
Entertainment, Science

Will it is Possible the Second Wave of Coronavirus Come?

The first wave of Coronavirus has been like a tsunami. It has taken us by surprise and it has been devastating. The stupor and tragedy have lasted 4-6 weeks and then have left feelings of helplessness and fear. In Spain, about 250,000 confirmed cases and 25,000 deaths have been reported. Given the limited availability of diagnostic tests for a long time, it is estimated that the actual figures should be much more. In New York, where the outbreak of cases came two weeks behind Madrid, a preliminary survey of a representative sample of 3,000 citizens has found that 14% of New Yorkers had antibodies. That means that one in 7 citizens had already passed it, many of them asymptomatic. This figure was 22% in Manhattan, where collapse situations in hospitals similar to those of Madrid we...
Coronavirus: 10 reasons why you don’t need to panic

Coronavirus: 10 reasons why you don’t need to panic

Regardless of whether we consider the new coronavirus to be a pandemic or not, this is a serious issue. In less than two months, this outbreak has spread to various continents. Pandemic means the continuous and consistent transmission of disease, simultaneously in more than three different geographical regions. Pandemic does not mean how deadly a virus is but rather its distribution and geographical addition. What we definitely get is a fear pandemic. Media from all over the world fixated on coronavirus. There has been deep thought and mass planning for the worst-case scenarios. And of course, the impact has spread from the world of global health into politics and business. But of course, it's also true that we shouldn't panic. It would be wrong to say that there is good news from COVID...
Why Canada needs the United States to fight Coronavirus

Why Canada needs the United States to fight Coronavirus

The Coronavirus crisis reveals that most countries are vulnerable to breaks in the international supply chains of essential medical products for the fight against the coronavirus. Canada is no exception, as the recent controversy caused by US President Donald Trump when he asked 3M to stop exporting masks to Canada to ensure that the United States shows are not lacking. Although the problem has been resolved quickly and the 3M masks continue to be shipped to Canada, it is interesting to examine Canada's dependence on the United States for all medical products. We have studied the information published by COMTRADE, a database managed by the United Nations which tracks bilateral trade for nearly 200 countries and 5,000 product categories. Some categories are larger than the specific produ...
How Does Coronavirus Cause The Next Global Recession?
Financial, Science

How Does Coronavirus Cause The Next Global Recession?

Coronavirus or commonly know as COVID-19 is obviously a very dangerous virus, who has killed more than 5,300 people and infected more than 129,000 peoples around the world. The virus spread more than 105 countries until now. While the death rate is still less than 2 percent of those infected die from the virus. This Virus impact on human very negatively. However, in this article, we are looking at what it's economic impacts in the world. Coronavirus affects many countries economy like the USA, China, Japan, Italy, and India are facing the economy slow down. If you look at the USA and China stock markets they continue going down. The reason may be the US-China trade war but you can't ignore Coronavirus. China was the biggest exporter in the world many countries trade with China and depend o...
How you can protect yourself from Wuhan Coronavirus

How you can protect yourself from Wuhan Coronavirus

As of this writing, there are 750 confirmed deaths in China alone from the Wuhan Coronavirus, with 8,000 infections all across the nation. That is of course only the deaths confirmed to be related to the virus, which can be tricky to identify versus the severe flu or other respiratory illnesses. The total death count could very well be higher than the 750 claimed, but what is particularly terrifying is that the total infected count is almost certainly much greater than the 8,000 confirmed in China alone. That's because the Coronavirus is contagious even before symptoms set in, unlike the famous SARS virus from the 2002 SARS outbreak. That means that you could be infected yourself right now, and spreading the infection, without ever realizing it until finally, in about two weeks' time...
Why Coronavirus is so deathly and how it spread all over in china

Why Coronavirus is so deathly and how it spread all over in china

A Coronavirus is a large family of Viruses that cause diseases in animals and birds. The virus can cause respiratory infection in humans such as the common cold and more severe diseases like Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS). There are no vaccines or antiviral drugs to prevent or treatment against this virus. Coronavirus so-called because they look like royal crowns if you watch them from the top under an electron microscope. Coronavirus has a high genetic mutation rate and can rapidly develop resistance to new drugs, that's why Coronavirus is very deathly. About 858 people have died from Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS), which first appeared in 2012 in Saudi Arabia and few other Middle Eastern countries.  How deadliest is Coron...