Sunday, February 16


Hinduism | History, Origin, Founder, Gods & Facts
Entertainment, History

Hinduism | History, Origin, Founder, Gods & Facts

Hinduism is a religion or a way of living all around the world, also known as Sanatana Dharma is one of the oldest religions in the world still practiced which has neither founder, nor imposed dogma, nor uniformly organized clerical institution (the Brahmins can be from different schools). In 2020, the number of faithful is estimated at 1.25 billion followers, or 15–16% of the global population, known as Hindus. Hinduism practice in more than 85 countries, it is currently the third most practiced religion in the world after Christianity and Islam. It comes from the Indian subcontinent which remains its main focus of settlement. For the Muslims who entered India, the Persian term Hindu (from Sanskrit Sindhu) originally referred to the inhabitants of the Indus basin. The majority of Hi...
Serfdom | Origin, Definition & International Law

Serfdom | Origin, Definition & International Law

Serfdom - is a system of slavery-related to the status of farmers under the feudal system, especially in Manorialism. Serfdom major developments in Europe in the 10th century the mid-Middle Ages and continued until the mid-19th century, the financial bondage or variation of slavery practice of slavery as a condition for farmers. Serfs used their own labor to work on state-owned or manor-owned land in exchange for protection and justice, as well as additional cultivation on the land to ensure their livelihood. Serfdom not only involved farming, but also mining, forestry, and road construction. Under the serf system, the Manorialism formed the basic unit of society, and the serf formed the lowest social class in feudal society. Serfs were bound by multiple constraints in legal, economi...

Boolean Algebra

In mathematics, Boolean Algebra is a special type of algebraic structure, a type of general algebra used in mathematics, theoretical computer science, and digital electronics. Its name comes from the name of the mathematician, philosopher, and logician George Boole. The theory of Boolean algebras is a branch of mathematics at the intersection of partial order theory, algebra, mathematical logic, and topology (the properties of a geometric object). Typical examples of Boolean algebras are the family of all subsets of a fixed set with operations on the sets as algebra operations, and the two-element algebra of logical values {0, 1} with operations of conjunction, alternation, and negation. History Of Boolean Algebra The term "Boolean Algebra" was named after George Boole (1815–1864),...
Will it is Possible the Second Wave of Coronavirus Come?
Entertainment, Science

Will it is Possible the Second Wave of Coronavirus Come?

The first wave of Coronavirus has been like a tsunami. It has taken us by surprise and it has been devastating. The stupor and tragedy have lasted 4-6 weeks and then have left feelings of helplessness and fear. In Spain, about 250,000 confirmed cases and 25,000 deaths have been reported. Given the limited availability of diagnostic tests for a long time, it is estimated that the actual figures should be much more. In New York, where the outbreak of cases came two weeks behind Madrid, a preliminary survey of a representative sample of 3,000 citizens has found that 14% of New Yorkers had antibodies. That means that one in 7 citizens had already passed it, many of them asymptomatic. This figure was 22% in Manhattan, where collapse situations in hospitals similar to those of Madrid we...
After Covid-19 how to prepare your Kids to go back to school

After Covid-19 how to prepare your Kids to go back to school

As soon as the schools were closed, these researchers sounded the alarm to remind the impact of this decision on the most vulnerable and the importance of resilience in the context of a disaster. Parents have to adapt to a harsh new reality in the long run. They wonder about the best practices to adopt so as not to hinder the good development of their children and promote their academic success under the circumstances. As a clinical researcher in educational psychology, the parents I receive in therapy, confinement or not, always look for solutions other than those which go through the supervision of homework - often the source of conflicts - to intervene effectively with their children. Return to normal life What would be the intervention strategy to consider for children most at ...